October 21, 2015

I Grabbed the Wrong Leg

It was a beautiful day for a drive with my big sister to Port Huron to visit an aunt. Nature called our names so we pulled into a rest area east of Flint. I got to the restroom before my sister as she was dawdling. 

I secured my spot when I heard my sister enter and claim the stall next to mine.

Obviously, I had a choice. Continue my business or have a little fun. I chose fun and grabbed my sister's ankle under the stall wall!

A rush of "oh my gosh" followed by soft screaming filled the room as the woman’s legs disappeared from my sight. "You scared me to death" she breathlessly sputtered.

I profusely apologized as the person turned out not to be my sister, and believe me, it was extremely difficult to say I was sorry, when struggling to hold back a laugh.

I hurriedly finished, washed up, and ran out to my car where I hunched down low to avoid detection - and waited an awful long time for my sister to return.

In the meantime, she was in the restroom chatting away with the still frightened woman. I could only guess what they talked about. My sister finally returned to the car and told me how much I had scared the woman. I remained in my hunched position but was able to laugh with my sister about this incident.

One thing I know for sure - every time this woman uses a public roadside rest area, she will remember the strange person who grabbed her ankle. She, too, has a story to tell. I can only hope she remembers it with affection, but probably not.

The Hardwood Walking Stick

All through my 30s onward, I’ve walked woods from the Appalachian and Smoky Mountains, along with the mountains, hills and valleys of Michig...